What I Do

The concept of health is actually quite complex and means different things to different people. Some people see it as the ability to cope with the stresses of daily life and for others, it's being active and physically fit. Some feel that it's the ability to prevent illnesses, and to others, it's the ability to overcome them.

Many times we think of health on simply the physical level, but there are many sides to health and each part of our lives interacts with and affects the others. Health is what it takes to deal and cope with the pressures, traumas, dramas, and joys of daily life. Health is the satisfaction one takes in life. It is the flexibility and resilience to deal with what physically and emotionally befalls us.

My goal is to help you understand what health means in your given situation and inspire and assist you to live your most optimal and resilient life possible.

In order to do this effectively, there are 3 important parts to this process:


Compassionately and attentively overseeing the health and well-being of others.

Caring means: Walking alongside an individual and meeting them where they are at on their life journey to provide assistance, guidance and time. It means to be able to genuinely listen to one's needs and respond appropriately. It's about respecting individual's time and being available to respond to questions or concerns outside the treatment room.

Being available for ongoing support even after a session.
Being sensitive to other medications or treatments a client might be working with and helping to provide complimentary care.


Direct and indirect alleviation of health issues through the use of various modalities.

Treatment means: Honouring the uniqueness of each individual and tailoring the sessions to meet their needs. This could mean realigning energetic pathways within the body, addressing belief systems and attitudes, or discussing practical solutions to issues.

Taking away residual pain from a broken ankle through realigning meridian energy lines.
Helping to overcome food sensitivities by addressing fears and belief systems.
Using counselling and energy work to help cope with and overcome depression.


Awareness of facts, theories and principles to guide thoughts and belief systems that affect health.

Knowledge means: Providing information and understanding in order to help others make connections related to their health and wellness. In this way, each individual can take charge of their health.

Educating a client on the emotional connection to a physical ailment, and with this knowledge, helping people live without panic when illnesses or diseases arise.
Helping a person in a relationship learn to define and set healthy boundaries in order to improve their anxiety and therefore, overall health.

Helping people to live their most
optimal life possible through addressing
the parts of our lives that are at the
core of what makes us human.